Wednesday, June 03, 2009



不止一次,当我到国外,无论是正式的工作会议、交流会,或者是非正式的同道聚餐,在讨论马来西亚家庭暴力法的功能,我都觉得很"no face"。

是的,我很少在他们面前像我们的一些官员,到处炫耀“马来西亚Boleh!” "We are number One in Asia who has Domestic Violence Act" ... 因为,我不知道这有什么好炫耀的;更因为,我很清楚,这个亚洲第一的功效到底有多少,这个亚洲第一,比较那些起步比马来西亚晚的其他国家,我们无论在制度、援助上,都差太多太多。


最后,1995年马来西亚在很多的非政府组织的压力下在一个于北京举行的国际会议上签署了两个国际公约"CEDAW -- Convention to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women""CRC --Convention for Child Rights".. 之后,才于1996年正式实行家庭暴力法。

此法令实行到今天,仍然有很多不足的地方。主要是因为,虽然马来西亚通过了此项法令,但是执行力不足,再加上很多内阁成员没有“政治意愿” --- 因此,到今天虽然执法官员在处理类似案子的态度有所进步,但是当事人可以获得援助的地方少得可怜。而家庭暴力法,对于我而言是一个“纸上的法令”而在此法令底下的“暂时保护令”虽然偶尔有用,但是却没有太大的约束力及执行力。

吉兰丹的三王妃马诺哈拉受虐案,于一、两个月前爆发 --- 当时的王室,在隔天于媒体公布了王妃出现活动灿然的笑容,表示一切都没有问题 。。。 到日前,成功由新加坡回到自己的国土,终于公布了曾经被虐的消息。

我们尊贵的副首相表示政府不会调查吉兰丹三王妃马诺哈拉(Manohara Odelia Pinot)指自己被丈夫肢体和性虐待的指控。他并且表示,“我想这更多是属于私人的问题。迄今为止,我们没有介入,所以我们要让它就此为止”。




虽然,马来西亚仍然没有承认婚姻强暴 --- 但是在修正的刑事法典,如果你用肢体暴力来强迫你的妻子发生性行为,是可以在375A被提控。因此,婚姻内的性暴力,仍然是暴力!

New Section 375A – Husband causing hurt in order to have sexual intercourse

A husband who causes his wife to undergo mental injury, including stress, in his bid to have sex with her can be prosecuted and sentenced to a jail term of up to five years


我们Penang的朋友Women Centre for Change今天表示 ---

Alleged royal violence not a 'personal matter'

The Women's Centre for Change Penang (WCC) views with great concern the allegations made by Indonesian teenager, Manohara Odelia Pinot regarding the physical, emotional and sexual violence she has endured in her marriage to Kelantan Prince, Tengku Temenggong Mohammad Fakhry.

WCC is glad to see that the Foreign Affairs Ministry has offered to help if Manohara files a complaint and we would strongly encourage Manohara to file a complaint, as well as lodge a police report so that investigations can commence.

Domestic violence is a criminal offence. Under the Domestic Violence Act (1994), domestic violence includes causing or threatening to cause physical injury, confining a person, damaging property or forcing a person to do something she can legally refuse to do.

A person found guilty of committing these acts can be charged under the Penal Code.

Domestic violence has been increasing steadily in recent years. In 2007, there were 3,756 cases of domestic violence reported to the police nationwide. These figures are said to only represent the tip of the iceberg as many victims tend to keep silent over the abuse they receive.

Many are ignorant of the Domestic Violence Act (1994) which can actually help protect victims from further abuse.

WCC views with deep concern the comments made by the Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin regarding Manohara's allegations.

He was reported as saying ‘...this is more a personal matter' and ‘ we want to leave it as it is'.

WCC would like to stress that domestic violence is not a personal matter, but is of public concern, given that it is a crime.

To have a Malaysian leader trivialise allegations of domestic violence indicates that violence against women is still not understood nor taken seriously.

Given the Malaysian government's commitment to the passing of the Domestic Violence Act (1994) and as a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the government is duty bound to investigate these allegations.

The writer is programme director, Women's Centre for Change, Penang (WCC).

另外,潘俭伟促妇女部长“教育”副揆 -- 把丹三王妃受虐案当私人问题潘俭伟促妇女部长“教育”副揆 ---

的确 --- 作为亚洲第一,马来西亚真的是太好笑了 -- 看来以后,我出国,还是不要承认我是马来西亚人比较好。。


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At June 04, 2009 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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