Thursday, September 18, 2008



到了晚上,我从朋友哪儿发现我很欣赏的Charles Hector在马来西亚非政府组织的几个e-group发出了这样的呼吁,叫我们小心这个联署的内容,并要求我们不要联署,除非我们支持内安法令这样的恶法。


To: Prime Minister of Malaysia

We, citizens and friends of Malaysia from the international community, call upon Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia, to act immediately to set free Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Teresa Kok who are presently being held in detention without the right of due process under the Internal Security Act (ISA). We also call for the release of the HINDRAF Five and others presently imprisoned under the ISA.

The two latest detainees - together with Tan Hoon Cheng, a newspaper reporter who was subsequently released following widespread local outrage and protests - were arrested on September 12th under the draconian ISA which permits the police to detain a person for a maximum of 60 days for investigations. Based on the outcome of the investigations, a person can be detained for two years without trial. The two-year term can be renewed indefinitely. The use of such legislation – a legacy of British colonial rule - violates the basic rights of detainees to due process and fair rule of law.

We are of the opinion that there is no basis whatsoever to justify the detention of these individuals, despite the manner in which some in the government-controlled mainstream media may have painted them as threats instead of objectively reporting the facts. Raja Petra Kamaruddin is alleged to be a threat to security, peace and public order as a result of posting in his widely followed blogsite – www.Malaysia-Today – various articles deemed as seditious and belittling Islam. In his defence, it should be noted that various Islamic political parties and organizations (including the Board of Directors, Muslim Professionals Forum in their Press Release on 13 September) as well as numerous Muslim leaders have publicly refuted the Government's view that the writings of Raja Petra are in any way a threat to the nation or to Islam; and they have called for his release. Further proof that this allegation is unfounded can also be found in the decision of the Malaysian Cabinet on 12 September ordering the authorities responsible for Internet policing in the country to unblock public access to Raja Petra's website. The website currently is still unblocked and the so-called seditious and anti-national contents are publicly accessible, although Raja Petra is in detention. Targeting an internet blogger who holds views that differ from the Government is unacceptable in any system of democracy.

Teresa Kok's arrest under the ISA has been justified by the authorities as stemming from her involvement in activities which can cause tension and conflict among races and religions. This allegation appears to be based on a claim by the former Selangor Menteri Besar, Dr. Khir Toyo, that she organized a petition presented to mosque officials to lower the volume of the azan (call to prayer). Teresa Kok has categorically denied organizing any such petition. Abdul Rahman Nasir, head of the Masjid Kinrara committee (the mosque in question) and Dr Siti Mariah, Member of Parliament for Kota Raja where the mosque is situated, have also denied that Teresa Kok was involved in any such happening. The unjustified arrest of a respected member of parliament and state assemblywoman is unacceptable.

We are encouraged that various leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition parties have recently spoken out against the use of the ISA. We wish to express our deep respect for the de facto Law Minister, Zaid Ibrahim, who has resigned in protest against the Government's use of the ISA on the three individuals. We agree with his view that "there [are] ample punitive laws to act against lawbreakers without having to invoke the ISA. [The law] should only be used on armed terrorists or those out to topple the government by force,"

We urge the Prime Minister to take note that the continued detention of Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Teresa Kok will only strengthen the view of Malaysians and many friends of Malaysia around the world that the Government is rapidly losing control over the political situation and, as a result, is embarking on desperate authoritarian measures. These measures can only further undermine political stability and confidence in the legitimacy of BN rule. They will also undoubtedly contribute to the increasing capital flight and worsen the growing socio-economic turmoil.

The arrests of Teresa Kok and Raja Petra Kamaruddin and their detention under the ISA are not serving Malaysia’s national interests. Both detainees – as well as the HINDRAF Five and other political detainees - should be released immediately and unconditionally.





否则,我就当你们这些警察、检控官是一群没有效率的笨蛋。因为你们不够专业,没有办法找到他们犯罪的证据而将他们控上法庭,因此你们用内安法令来将这些朋友无限期的扣留,这个法令变成让你们方便的一个工具(weapon of convinience)

同样的很多在紧急条例(Emergency Ordinance)下被扣留的各式各样的嫌疑犯,由于这个法令可以让你们扣留一个嫌疑犯长达两年(只要你们让他在不同区域的警察局环游世界),有很多这样的嫌疑犯没有办法取回他们的公道。


但是,到后来我比较了解“Human Right for All”真正的定义之后,我对于我曾经有过这样的想法感到羞耻。因为每个人,无论他犯下怎么样的错误,他都有权利要求到法庭为自己的控状辩护。因为有这样的条例,我们的检控单位可以拖延他们的调查,因为他们知道他们有的是时间,而不去想办法如何加速他们的调查,将嫌疑犯控上法庭。

1. 我为自己签署了这样的联署,感到抱歉
2. 我为自己曾经因为我的愤怒及对于当事人的情感,而支持过紧急法令,感到羞愧。


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At September 19, 2008 10:46 PM, Blogger amykeyriakumeinyen said...




At September 24, 2008 9:18 PM, Blogger pingjinn said...




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