Thursday, June 07, 2007


The Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) marked its 25th year anniversary with a celebration in Kuala Lumpur yesterday and the ‘live’ launch of its new website.

During the event at the Actors’ Studio in Bangsar, a slide-show took the audience through the history of the organisation, as well as its achievements and the challenges faced by Malaysian women.

While WAO president Meera Samanther expressed gratitude to all who have helped, founder Chong Eu Ngoh spoke about the founding principles of the group and applauded those who have contributed to its success.

Executive director Ivy Josiah said the website will accommodate a larger volume of visitors and provide more up-to-date content as it will be managed through a content management system. Samanther said the site will be useful to those who want to join as members. “Previously, they would have to phone the office and pick up a membership form. The new website will make WAO more accessible to all and easier for people to become members as the membership form is available online,” she said. With a different layout and more interactive content, it allows those with a password to update the contents and for members to post up the latest information on women’s rights.

Samanther said the WAO would continue its work on eliminating violence against women while also concentrating efforts on constitutional issues involving women or discrimination against women. “Women are raising their voices on the way women’s rights are affected and arguing it out in court,” she said.

Also highlighted was how the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women has brought visibility to women’s rights in Malaysia.

The WAO is an independent, non-religious, non-governmental organisation. It was established in 1982 when it opened Malaysia's first women's refuge to provide shelter, counselling and child support to battered women.



国内女性组织――妇女援助组织(WAO)在迈入其成立25周年之际 ,所关注的课题也从开始的家庭暴力扩大至社会所需要关注的课题 ,包括通过改革宪法保障他们的权利;所服务的对象也从之前的受暴妇女 ,延伸至社会上的弱势群体。

妇女援助组织主席米拉莎玛特(左图)指出,近年来该组织除了提高协助女性自我保护意识和为受到暴力的女性提供援助外,他们也开始推动信仰自由的课题。 “2004年我们设立了第三间辅导中心之后,我们开始推动一些宪法和政策的改革以提高两性平等、消除性别歧视;除此之外,最近的“第11条款”和“丽娜乔事件”,我们也是积极地参与。”



其中的一位社工王妤娴也向记者证实,在她服务的两年当中,该组织所关注的课题已经不再局限于女性面对的课题。“由于现在的社会问题越来越复杂,所以我们也根据社会的需要提供服务。例如贩卖人口、女佣被虐待、难民保护、外来移民被歧视等等,我们都会通过各种管道给予协助。” 王妤娴表示,虽然关注的课题明显增多,但是该组织仍会以“保护女性”为先。 “我们组织的标语还是“没有一位女性应该被虐待”,对于这点,我们社工时常会互相提醒。”

革新网站系统增强互动 在庆典上,其执行主任艾薇(右图)也推介了该组织即将革新的网页。她表示,新网页将具有系统管理资料功能,有助于资料能够更多、更快地上载到网页上,造福所有会员。“之前的网页只有网主一人能够上载到网页上,但是只要是会员都能够做到这点,如此一来更能收集关于女性权利的资料让大家参考。”此外,艾薇也表示新系统将能够增强会员之间的互动。她指出,从前要申请成为会员,必须到该组织的办事处索取报名表格,但是现在能够直接通过网页下载和缴交。她表示,革新后的网页将在近期内采用,但是官方网址(将继续沿用。

25年成立3所中心全面发展 妇女援助组织的成立与前马华公会总会长敦陈修信有密切的关系。在1979年,敦陈修信捐出3万令吉为受到虐待的妇女和他们的小孩提供避难所,随后并由方幼娥号召了一群义工为这群受害者提供服务,才让妇女援助组织渐渐成形。





At June 08, 2007 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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