Thursday, January 03, 2008



晚上,在我的gmail发现了来自MWG联盟的邮件 -- 严碧霞将于1月28日开始出庭自辩。

等了那么久,终于等到了 -- 至少Nirmila可以先回家了。











案情簡介:被告:嚴碧霞(37歲,家庭主婦)原告:妮瑪拉(20歲,印尼女傭)控狀:嚴碧霞面對4項控狀,其中3項控指她使用燙斗和熱開水蓄意嚴重嚴重致傷妮瑪拉,抵觸刑事法典325條文。另一項控狀指她以不鏽鋼杯致傷妮瑪拉,觸犯同法令326條文。刑罰:一旦罪成,如果刑期分開執行,被告面對的最高刑罰是監禁67年。 (星洲日報•2008.01.03)

此案子开审了那么多年,其中因为被告的律师多次刻意找借口拖延,到最后开审的时候,其辩护律师在Cross Examination的“出色”表现,让我们很心寒。


可以用Iron来弄伤一个人的背部,造成那么严重的伤害。事后,还以受害者的面貌出现,获得媒体的同情的报导。更辨说Nirmila是因为精神有问题而自残 -- 我想连小朋友也不会相信这样的说法。





At January 04, 2008 10:42 PM, Blogger 王妤娴 said...

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At January 04, 2008 10:43 PM, Blogger 王妤娴 said...

A reflection of Nirmala Bonat's Case
By: Alex Ong, Migrant Care

When Housewife Yim Pek Ha was charged with four counts of causing grievous hurt to her former Indonesian maid, many felt relieved that finally the justice prevails in Malaysia. In reality, it is only part of the never ending stories about migrant workers sufferings in Malaysia.

Salute to judge Akhtar Tahir's wisdom to ignore the allegation of falsified travel documents and bio-data created by the employment agencies is an undisputable reality of the human trading regimes at work in the market place.

There are thousand of cases involved migrant workers disputes were ruled in favor of the Malaysia employers based on the inadmissible true identity of the plaintiff because they felt victims to the manipulation of the agents.

Malaysia Industrial Relation courts have been pro-local employers in dealing with the wages claim cases by undocumented workers. The rampant corruptions within the Industrial Relation Courts system have failed its basic roles in dealing with workers –employers' disputes.

Many undocumented migrant workers failed to claim their rightful wages through the Malaysia legal process because of their invalid immigration status in Malaysia.

Indonesia Justice Minister and man power minister, and foreign worker protection head should be hold responsible to such falsification of the travel document, while Malaysia agents are equally guilty for conspiring to ignore and overlooking such human trading conspiration.

What the Malaysia employers did was morally wrong, but the culprits of the interests group that sell human being as a living commodity deserve to be condemn to the hell fires.

Malaysia public should be educated about human trading institution while maid candidates from sending nations should be more alert of the sponsors who tried to lure them into the licensed human traders' mafia.

The role of Indonesia and Malaysia Government should not be reduced application processing only.

We sympathized with Yim for her sadist actions against another human being, but we are more concern about other Indonesian maids who suffer quietly and some even died or disappeared without any trace.

Nirmala Bonat may have start packing up to return to Kupang; it is Indonesian Embassy's obligation to reveal the flow of money and donation to her bank account because Nirmala need to start afresh when returns home.

It is our prayer that former Indonesian ambassador, who has been investigated by Indonesian Anti Corruption Commissions would not mess up the fund donated to Nirmala.

At November 28, 2008 8:28 AM, Blogger 侯萬雲 - Wood Hou said...

借用了你的標誌Love is letting go of fear作標題。

At September 25, 2012 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friends plz add my ID for link exchange.

At September 25, 2012 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At May 16, 2013 6:20 PM, Blogger Neeta said...

add my ID For Good Quality linkexchange


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